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2019 June

Common Rhetorical Devices

A rhetorical device is a word or phrase used to persuade the audience or to convey meaning. Quite often, rhetorical devices are used to evoke certain emotions. Good writers use various rhetorical devices to achieve different effects. There are also rhetorical devices that fall in the category of figurative language because they use certain phrases […]

APA General Format

When formatting your essay according to the APA guidelines, use standard-sized paper (8.5″✕11″) with double spaces and 1″ margins on every side. Make sure to use a simple font that’s easy to read. For instance, APA recommends 12 pt Times New Roman. Your paper should include a running head, also known as a page header, […]

How to Incorporate Interview Data

This article was prepared by the experts from to help you use interview data properly, incorporating it into your writing. There are many nuances you should pay your attention to, so let’s consider working with interview data in more detail. Introduction When working with interview data, you can use quotations and access different sources […]

Grant Proposal: Tips on Planning and Writing

If you’re going to write a grant proposal, it means that you’re dealing with valuable research or feel passionate about developing a community resource. Perhaps, you have a clear understanding of how something can be improved so you’re looking for funding to make your vision come true. While developing your grant proposal, you shouldn’t be […]

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