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World Englishes

What is World Englishes World Englishes is the term used to describe the various ways English is used worldwide. This can include different dialects, different accents, and even different vocabularies. It is estimated that there are now more non-native speakers of English than native speakers, making World Englishes an increasingly important part of the English […]

How Long Should an Essay Be (words and pages)?

There are a lot of people who ask us how long should an essay be. Well, the answer to this question depends on a few factors. The first factor is the type of essay that you are writing. There are four main types of essays: persuasive, argumentative, analytical, and expository. Each one of these essays […]

APA, MLA, Chicago citation styles

Contest: Features of APA Citation Style Writing in APA Format Using APA Essay Examples APA paper structure MLA Style and Formatting Guide Chicago Citation Style Definition Chicago: Author-Date or Notes and Bibliography? Chicago Style Sample Papers When a teacher asks you to write an essay, they want to check what knowledge you have gained during […]

Top 20 Writing Services for Your Assignments in 2020

If you cannot sleep at nights because of your homework or some difficult assignment, you should know that there’s a better way to deal with them. You can do it much easier, spending less time and not sacrificing your sleep. The thing is, you can always ask for help. You don’t need to go anywhere, […]

APA Formatting Style: Main Rules

When a teacher asks you to write an essay, they want to check what knowledge you have gained during a course as well as writing skills. And one of the tasks of the very writing is the right formatting. There are a few formatting styles, which are APA, MLA, Turabian, and Harvard. The former two […]

How To Write A Good Quality Essay

Teachers often try their students with writing some papers. This way they want to check what knowledge the latter have got. If you receive an assignment to write an essay, we would like to give you some tips how to do it right.

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