Why order with PaperDueNow.com?
How It Works
- Fill out an online form with details.
- How many pages should my order consist of?
It is up to you to decide taking into account the number of words per page and the format. Usually, if the page is double-spaced with one inch margin, there will be 275 words per one page. If it is single-spaced, it will contain 550 words.
- When can the paper be downloaded from the website?
The deadline you state in your order is time when the first draft of the paper will be delivered. If the paper requires revision and editing, you should set a new deadline. Once the payment is confirmed, the countdown to the deadline starts.
- Should I pay for the paper before it is written or after?
We don’t start the writing process until the order is payed. Once a payment is received, our writers can start working on your request, as the deadline timer starts. You should have no doubt, as our company provides high quality paper works.
- Can I trust your services?
The base of our customers consists of thousands of people. 99% of them are satisfied with our services. What is more, we never reveal your personal data to third parties and keep it safe. You should only provide your contact details (name, phone number, address) and last 4 digits of the card while payment. We work only with a verified online payment system, so your data is protected from scammers.
- Provide as many details about your paper as possible. Remember that you won’t have a chance to rewrite the description later.
- Our new clients will have their personal accounts created automatically. Once you fill out an online form, you will receive a confirmation letter to your e-mail.
- If you have a discount code, enter it before order submission. You won’t have a chance to use it later.
- Payment Submission
- What do I pay for?
Paperduenow.com includes only main body in the price. Text formatting and editing, Reference and Title pages are provided for free.
- Why do I need to go through authorization process?
Our company wants to make sure your credit card wasn’t stolen. That’s why it is required to go through authorization process. It is especially important for big orders that should be completed by a tight deadline.
- Can I get a discount?
We want to make our customers happy not only with high quality papers, but also with discounts we offer.
- Our payment system accepts the following types of credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.
- Verified security system checks every payment provided.
- Submitted Orders
- Who will write my paper?
Our Quality Assurance Department makes sure we hire experienced and professional experts for the writer’s position, so we have one of the best teams in the realms of the Internet. All of them hold a degree in a particular field of study. Also, our Assurance team checks the quality of papers delivered to customers.
In case your paper should be written in American or British English, provide this information in your order’s “Paper Details.” The only thing we don’t guarantee is that a writer will be from a particular country.
- Can I communicate with my writer?
Every customer can stay in touch with a personal writer via a messaging system provided by our website throughout the writing process. This is the only way you can communicate with a writer. Phone calls and messages via private e-mails are forbidden.
- How can I share additional materials with a writer?
If you have some additional materials that should be used to write a paper that will meet all requirements of your scholars, you can attach them in your personal profile. This way the writer will have a full understanding of the task and will start writing immediately. Click a “Files” button and upload everything you think is necessary for a paper. Our system accepts all popular types of files. In case you face some troubles with attaching the documents, send them directly to support@paperduenow.com or contact our Customer Support Representatives.
Pdf and doc files are among the most popular formats.
- Stay in touch with a writer through the whole writing process.
- Attach required materials to your order.
- Wait until the order is done and the first draft is delivered to you.
- Order delivery
- How are the orders delivered to customers?
Delivery process is simple. Once the writer completes a paper, you will receive a notification to your e-mail address. Next, log in to your personal account. There you will be able to preview the first draft of a paper. If you approve it by clicking the button, a document will be available in the “Files.” Then you can download it.
- What is “paper preview”?
“Paper preview” means that you can see a paper as a watermarked image. You are required to go through the paper and decide whether it is what you need or it should be changed. If you want to send a paper for revision, provide a new deadline and everything that is required to be changed.
- My paper needs some editing.
According to our company’s policy, we guarantee three free revisions. You can send a paper for revision before or after it is approved. The process is simple. Click a “Send for revision” button in your profile, provide new deadline and state what should be changed. In case you have already approved a paper, contact Customer Support Representatives to order a revision.
Seven day period is a time frame when you can ask for approved paper to be reviewed. If your paper is more than 20 pages, you have 14 days to order its revision.
More information can be found in Revision Policy.
- Can I be sure that no plagiarism will be detected in my paper?
We guarantee to provide a plagiarism free paper to every client. You can request a plagiarism report if you need a proof.
Double-spaced papers up to 10 pages go for $9.99, 11 and more – $10.99 + $1 for every extra page.
Single-spaced paper plagiarism report up to 5 pages – $9.99, 6 and more – $11.99 + $2 for every extra page.
- Do you check papers with Turnitin?
No, we don’t. We prefer to use WebCheck to Turnitin, as the last one can be used only once. Your professor can decide to check a paper too, and if Turnitin is used, a scholar will see your paper as plagiarized. More information on Turnitin and why we choose not to use it can be found here. Information on prices for plagiarism report can be found in the previous answer.
- Completed paper is previewed in .jpg.
- Download approved paper in .doc format.
- Send a paper for free revisions.