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Writing an Outstanding College Essay in 2019

Writing an Outstanding College Essay in 2019

Most colleges require you to write an essay as a part of your application. You may not like such a kind of work, but you have to cope with it, so prepare to spend your time and effort. This task also has its positive side: a good essay may shorten the decision time significantly. Generally, admission officers chose applicants who have highest grades, taking into account test scores. But there are many applicants with the same grades and scores, so commissions have to choose the best applicant by comparing essays, along with recommendation letters and information on additional activities. Thus, you have to create something unique and unforgettable.

Tell Your Unique Story

You may have some experience that nobody else has. Now you have an opportunity to share your memories and experiences with others. Your essay must be personal, interesting and meaningful. And, of course, you have to be honest.

Admission committees have seen thousands of essays, and most of them are quite similar to each other. One of the most common mistakes is an attempt to sound smarter than you actually are. Another mistake is choosing a topic that you don’t really care about. Even if you think that such a topic might impress the commission, don’t write about it if it’s not interesting to you, because you and your personality are what it’s all about.

You don’t need to have some extraordinary achievements, like starting your successful business or spending summer holidays in the Amazon jungle. Just let them know that you’re a motivated and thoughtful young student who is open to everything new.

Useful Tips on Writing a Great College Application Essay

  1. Choose a topic that is really important to you. Recall something that changed your life and inspired you – a person, a book, or an experience – almost everything.
  2. Don’t just recall. Reflect your experiences. You won’t impress anyone with a boring sequence of memories. Add as many details as possible. Your readers must feel your story and participate in it. They have to discover your personality through the details.
  3. Think twice before trying to write something funny. If you make admission officers laugh, it will be a great victory, but just believe us, it’s a tough task. Don’t expect adult workers of the college to have the same sense of humor as you.
  4. Take your time and don’t be afraid to write a dozen drafts. Once your essay is complete, let it rest for a couple days and read it. Imagine yourself an admission officer. Are your thoughts logically connected? Is your topic really interesting? Is your essay written in the first person? Which facts about your personality it reveals?
  5. Don’t repeat yourself. Your application may have several parts, so make sure that your essay doesn’t repeat any other part of the application. You don’t need to mention your grades or awards here.
  6. Remember the question you’ve been asked. Don’t try to change the question or answer a different question that looks similar to it.
  7. Find somebody to proofread your essay. Check your essay, fix all mistakes, and then ask your college counselor or teacher. You can even order professional proofreading on the internet, just remember that your essay must be free of any grammar and punctuation errors.

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